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- animations
- {
- $path models/human/animation
- //========================
- // Reload bazooka
- //========================
- bazooka_reload viewmodel/bazooka/tps_reload_bazooka.skc crossblend 0.05
- {
- server
- {
- first reloadweapon // tell the weapon that we're reloading
- 17 weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand offhand // attach the weapon to the left hand
- 37 attachmodel models/ammo/bazooka_shell.tik tag_weapon_right // put the ammo clip in the right hand
- 92 weaponcommand mainhand clip_fill // put the clip ammo into the gun
- 93 removeattachedmodel tag_weapon_right 0 models/ammo/bazooka_shell.tik // remove the clip model from the right hand
- 107 weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand mainhand // reattach the weapon to the right hand
- }
- }
- //========================
- // Reload Panzerschreck
- //========================
- panzerschreck_reload viewmodel/bazooka/panzer_reload.skc crossblend 0.05
- {
- server
- {
- first reloadweapon // tell the weapon that we're reloading
- 17 weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand offhand // attach the weapon to the left hand
- 45 attachmodel models/ammo/panzer_shell.tik tag_weapon_right // put the ammo clip in the right hand
- 67 weaponcommand mainhand clip_fill // put the clip ammo into the gun
- 68 removeattachedmodel tag_weapon_right 0 models/ammo/panzer_shell.tik // remove the clip model from the right hand
- 99 weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand mainhand // reattach the weapon to the right hand
- }
- }
- //========================
- // Walking/Cautious
- //========================
- bazooka_stand_walk_fwd multiplayer/mp_bazooka_walk_forward.skc
- bazooka_stand_walk_back multiplayer/mp_bazooka_walk_backwards.skc
- bazooka_stand_walk_left multiplayer/mp_bazooka_walk_left.skc
- bazooka_stand_walk_right multiplayer/mp_bazooka_walk_right.skc
- //========================
- // Jogging/Relaxed
- //========================
- bazooka_stand_run_fwd multiplayer/mp_bazooka_run_forward.skc autosteps_run
- bazooka_stand_run_back multiplayer/mp_bazooka_run_back.skc autosteps_run
- bazooka_stand_run_left multiplayer/mp_bazooka_run_left.skc autosteps_run
- bazooka_stand_run_right multiplayer/mp_bazooka_run_right.skc autosteps_run
- //========================
- // Standing
- //========================
- bazooka_stand_idle multiplayer/mp_bazooka_stand_idle.skc
- //========================
- // Crouching
- //========================
- bazooka_crouch_idle multiplayer/mp_bazooka_crouch_bored.skc crossblend 0.2
- bazooka_crouch_walk_fwd multiplayer/mp_bazooka_crouch_walk_forward.skc //autosteps_run
- bazooka_crouch_walk_back multiplayer/mp_bazooka_crouch_walk_back.skc //autosteps_run
- bazooka_crouch_walk_left multiplayer/mp_bazooka_crouch_walk_left.skc //autosteps_run
- bazooka_crouch_walk_right multiplayer/mp_bazooka_crouch_walk_right.skc //autosteps_run
- bazooka_crouch_run_fwd multiplayer/mp_bazooka_crouch_run.skc autosteps_run
- bazooka_crouch_run_back multiplayer/mp_bazooka_crouch_run_back.skc autosteps_run
- bazooka_crouch_run_left multiplayer/mp_bazooka_crouch_run_left.skc autosteps_run
- bazooka_crouch_run_right multiplayer/mp_bazooka_crouch_run_right.skc autosteps_run
- //========================
- // Rifle Firing
- //========================
- bazooka_stand_fire viewmodel/bazooka/fire_bazooka.skc crossblend 0.05
- {
- server
- {
- entry fire
- }
- }
- bazooka_stand_run_fire viewmodel/bazooka/fire_bazookarun.skc crossblend 0.05
- {
- server
- {
- entry fire
- }
- }
- $path models/human/protoanimations
- bazooka_stand_walk_fire walk_player_rifle.skc crossblend 0.05
- {
- server
- {
- entry fire
- }
- }
- $path models/human/animation
- bazooka_crouch_fire viewmodel/bazooka/fire_bazooka.skc crossblend 0.05
- {
- server
- {
- entry fire
- }
- }
- bazooka_crouch_run_fire viewmodel/bazooka/firecrouch_bazooka.skc crossblend 0.05
- {
- server
- {
- entry fire
- }
- }
- //========================
- // Raise Animations
- //========================
- bazooka_stand_raise viewmodel/bazooka/pullout_bazooka.skc
- {
- server
- {
- 0 activatenewweapon garandhand
- }
- client
- {
- enter sound snd_bazooka_pullout
- }
- }
- bazooka_crouch_raise viewmodel/bazooka/pullout_bazooka.skc
- {
- server
- {
- 0 activatenewweapon garandhand
- }
- client
- {
- enter sound snd_bazooka_pullout
- }
- }
- //========================
- // Lower
- //========================
- bazooka_stand_lower viewmodel/bazooka/putaway_bazooka.skc
- {
- server
- {
- last deactivateweapon righthand
- }
- client
- {
- enter sound snd_bazooka_putaway
- }
- }
- bazooka_crouch_lower viewmodel/bazooka/putaway_bazooka.skc
- {
- server
- {
- last deactivateweapon righthand
- }
- client
- {
- enter sound snd_bazooka_putaway
- }
- }
- //========================
- // Jumping & Falling
- //========================
- $path models/human/protoanimations
- bazooka_jump_takeoff jump_takeoff.skc crossblend 0.1
- {
- server
- {
- first ai_event footstep
- }
- client
- {
- first footstep "Bip01 R Foot" run
- }
- }
- bazooka_jump_run_takeoff jump_takeoff.skc crossblend 0.1
- {
- server
- {
- first ai_event footstep
- }
- client
- {
- first footstep "Bip01 R Foot" run
- }
- }
- bazooka_fall jump_stretch_loop.skc crossblend 0.2
- bazooka_land jump_land.skc crossblend 0.1
- {
- client
- {
- first landing
- }
- }
- bazooka_land_hard jump_land.skc crossblend 0.1
- {
- client
- {
- first landing
- }
- }
- //----------------
- //----------------
- $path models/human/animation
- //Stand// TEMPORARY! Uses rifle animations
- bazooka_stand_hit_head weapon_rifle/minor_pain/rifle_stand_hit_head.skc autosteps_walk
- bazooka_stand_hit_uppertorso weapon_rifle/minor_pain/rifle_stand_hit_torso.skc autosteps_walk
- bazooka_stand_hit_lowertorso weapon_rifle/minor_pain/rifle_stand_hit_lower_back.skc autosteps_walk
- bazooka_stand_hit_back weapon_rifle/minor_pain/rifle_stand_hit_lower_back.skc autosteps_walk
- bazooka_stand_hit_rarm weapon_rifle/minor_pain/rifle_stand_hit_Rshoulder.skc autosteps_walk
- bazooka_stand_hit_larm weapon_rifle/minor_pain/rifle_stand_hit_torso.skc autosteps_walk
- bazooka_stand_hit_leg weapon_rifle/minor_pain/rifle_stand_hit_leg.skc autosteps_walk
- //Crouch //
- bazooka_crouch_hit_head weapon_bazooka/minor_pain/bazooka_crouch_hit_head.skc autosteps_walk
- bazooka_crouch_hit_uppertorso weapon_bazooka/minor_pain/bazooka_crouch_pain.skc autosteps_walk
- bazooka_crouch_hit_lowertorso weapon_bazooka/minor_pain/bazooka_crouch_pain.skc autosteps_walk
- bazooka_crouch_hit_back weapon_bazooka/minor_pain/bazooka_crouch_pain.skc autosteps_walk
- bazooka_crouch_hit_rarm weapon_bazooka/minor_pain/bazooka_crouch_pain.skc autosteps_walk
- bazooka_crouch_hit_larm weapon_bazooka/minor_pain/bazooka_crouch_pain.skc autosteps_walk
- bazooka_crouch_hit_leg weapon_bazooka/minor_pain/bazooka_crouch_pain.skc autosteps_walk
- }